Hyams Autos is an independent family owned business trading for over 40 years based in Malmesbury Town Centre, North Wiltshire. We are situated 4 Miles from Junction 17 of the M4. Hyams Autos is a specialist retailer of nearly new Fords and quality used cars. We are proud members of the Blue Oval Club and fit genuine Ford Parts. Hyams Autos is fully licensed by the FCA to offer a variety of finance options.
A £99 admin fee is applicable to selected vehicles and includes a Safety sales check, Service and HPI check. An alternative £200 admin fee is payable where 3rd party finance is taken out and when it is not arranged directly through Hyams Autos.
Hyams Autos from Cotswold TV on Vimeo.
Hyams Autos Ltd can assist you in finding the most suitable vehicle based on your monthly budget. Use our slider below to adjust how much you would like to spend each month.